Monday, November 07, 2005

Eco-Terrorists, Animal Rights, and Twisted Logic

Found this link at Captain's Quarters. The Blog is Animal Crackers.

The Entry is testimony to the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works hearing by Jerry Vlasak, MD, the mouth piece for North American Animal Liberation. A physician that I wouldn't let touch me without having a gun in hand. This guy is seriously bent.

Here is a brief exchange to whet your interest.
Senator Inhofe. One of the statements you made at the animal rights convention when you were defending assassinating people, murdering people, you said, let me put it up here to make sure I'’m not misquoting you, 'I don'’t think you'’d have to kill, assassinate too many. I think for five lives, ten lives, fifteen human lives, we could save a million, two million, or ten million non-human lives."’

You'’re advocating the murder of individuals, isn'’t that correct?

Dr. Vlasak. I made that statement, and I stand by that statement. That statement is made in the context that the struggle for animal liberation is no different than struggles for liberation elsewhere, whether the struggle for liberation in South Africa against the apartheid regime, whether the liberation against the communists, whether it was the liberation struggles in Algeria, Viet Nam or Iraq today, liberation struggles occasionally or usually, I should say, usually end up in violence.

There is plenty of violence being used on the other side of the equation. These animals are being terrorized, murdered and killed by the millions every day. The animal rights movement has been notoriously non-violent up to this point.

But I don'’t believe that "— I believe as my statement says "—

Senator Inhofe. Let me interrupt. You said it has been notoriously non-violent up to this time?

Dr. Vlasak. That is correct.

Senator Inhofe. You don’'t think there is violence in the testimony you'’ve heard?

Dr. Vlasak. I think when you compare the 500 animals being murdered every single day at Huntingdon Life Sciences, which is just one company, I think when you look at the amount of violence that goes on at Mr. Boruchin'’s house, getting a little spray paint on the wall, I think if you look at the amount of violence that went on at this yacht club in New York, where again some spray paint was slapped up on a wall, I don'’t think you can compare that kind of vandalism with the murder of millions of animals.

Senator Inhofe. And so you call for the murders of researchers and human life?

Dr. Vlasak. I said in that statement and I meant in that statement that people who are hurting animals and who will not stop when told to stop, one option would be to stop them using any means necessary and that was the context in which that statement was made.

Senator Inhofe. Including murdering them, is that correct?

Dr. Vlasak. Pardon?

Senator Inhofe. Including murdering them?

Dr. Vlasak. I said that would be a morally justifiable solution to the problem.
You should read the rest. The commentary at Captain's Quarters and Animal Crackers is pretty astute.

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