Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Chris Matthews Big Mouth

I don't like most loud mouths in news. Chris Matthews is pretty close to the top of the list.

"The period between 9-11 and (invading) Iraq was not a good time for America. There wasn't a robust discussion of what we were doing," Matthews said."If we stop trying to figure out the other side, we've given up. The person on the other side is not evil. They just have a different perspective.

"The smartest people understand the enemy's point of view, because they understand what's driving them."
Should we have given them a big hug Chris? and tell them we feel their pain? Hasn't this stupid argument gone by the wayside long ago. They don't give a damn about us, they just want us and our way of life dead. To what level should we go to understand what's driving them? Should we continue to be inactive in order to understand them? Sorry Chris, when someone aims a gun at me, I shoot first and ask questions later. I don't care why he was pointing the gun at me. The fact that he was aiming a gun at me gave me sufficient data to decide what reaction is required.
When asked what caused the U.S. to invade Iraq, he said it was a combination of factors.

"I think the father-son relationship with the Bushes is part of it. I think the oil thing is part of it," Matthews said of the current president and his father, George Bush Sr., who was president during the Gulf War more than a decade ago.

"Our friendship with Israel (is part of it) and 9-11 created a kind of crazy Zeitgeist in the country. Bush wanted to do something big. It couldn't just be tracking down al-Qaida. He wanted a big bang. I think it's a mixture of these things."

Matthews said the current president is guilty of not knowing enough about the world and not keeping up with current events, as was evident in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina and the slow reaction to the crisis in New Orleans.

Yeah, the oil thing rears it's ugly head again. Boy those gas prices are getting so much better for all the oil we got out of it. Matthews answer is almost a pile of cliches. The Israeli connection is just baffling. You'd think Matthews being part of the fourth estate would have a more astute understanding of the workings of his own country. I especially love the criticism relate to Katrina and keeping up with current events. Matthews crystal ball must ensure that he has a perfect vision of all the world all the times. What a jack-ass.


Granted said...

I heard this one. It's jaw dropping. Mathews has been actively working for the Dems for quite a while though, so his "above the fray" stance is a crock. I guess it's true, if you repeat BS often enough, you come to believe it as truth.
History is slowly redefining Viet Nam. It's being seen as a debacle, not because we fought there, but because we cut & ran. Unfortunately, far too many reporters read things like "The Peoples History of the United States" instead of more substantial works.

geekwife said...

Ummm... I think we DO understand our enemy. We understand that they want to establish a Muslim caliphate, and make the whole world live under the rules the Taliban imposed on the Afghanies. And I'm sorry, my tolerance for diversity does not extend to being okay with stoning women to death on a soccer field for adultery.

I think we can understand our enemy, and quite clearly see that he is, in fact, evil. If the smartest people in the world understand the enemy's point of view, are the dumbest people in the world those who see the videotaped beheading of innocents and refuse to acknowlege it as evil? What motivation that drives the enemy to do that can possibly be understandable and acceptable?