Thursday, September 28, 2006

Subversive Crap

Bruce at mAss Backwards just cracks me up with how he words his conclusions.
Courtesy of Richard "Yogi" Cote, a 70-year-old store owner in Manchester, New Hampshire.
"We were just standing there, chatting. Next thing I know this fella has my customer by the throat and he has a knife, the pointy part, right to his neck. He says, 'Give me the money or I'll cut him.' So I picked up the bat and swung it," Cote told the Union Leader. "I hit him twice in the head. The only one that got hurt was the bad guy."
A hard-working, law-abiding citizen refusing to be a meek, compliant victim. Good thing he didn't try pulling that subversive crap down here in the People's Progressive Republic of Massachusetts.
That got a decent laugh-out-loud from me in the office. That doesn't happen often.

1 comment:

geekwife said...

I love Bruce. He usually makes me giggle. And I find it so reassuring to know that other people outside our circle of friends here in Massachusetts find the liberal gov't here as despicably stupid as we do.