Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Democratic Cannabilism

It sure looks like BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) is tearing the Democratic party apart. All indications were, it was the Democrat's election to lose. All current indications are that they're actively attempting to lose it.
Joe Lieberman has one of the most progressive records in Congress on almost any issue. But, he's stepped outside the box on this issue that is directly affected by BDS and now he is forever tainted by it. It's amazing to watch.
The article is OK, but the letters afterwards are incredible (WARNING: You may need to wipe the spittle flying off them from your own screen after reading) . The amount of vitriol this man has generated by disagreeing with a single foreign policy issue (albeit a big one) is amazing. It's like all those years of doing almost exactly what the progressives wanted just don't count.

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