Friday, March 23, 2007

Algore - Tirades That Make Me Laugh

Bruce at No Looking Backwards (mAss Backwards) is on a role with this Algore horse shit. He's got a new bumper sticker. Go look.
I was going to go with "I just paid some guy five bucks on the internet for some carbon offset credits and all I got was a lousy bumper sticker!", but there were some minor layout issues.
That's not all.
...the more I think I should have just gone with "Al Gore Can Go Fuck Himself" for the new batch of bumper stickers.
Don't hold anything back Bruce. Let us know how you feel. (Because I get a laugh and agree with you.)

Then he gives vent to carbon offsets.
I don't know what's worse, the fact that people are buying into this feel-good, do-nothing horseshit, or the fact that I didn't think of it first, and get a cut of the action.
I thought the same thing when I heard people were paying for this BS. Is there any indications that these companies are in any way legitimate, or proof that they actually offset anything but the feelings of wealthy imbeciles?

I've been thinking that I don't understand the logic, nor the morals of carbon offsets. When did it become morally correct to pay others to do contrition for your sins rather than not sinning in the first place?

Then there is the question of whether these carbon offsets are anything more than a scam. Who verifies that anything these people do actually reduces carbon usage?


BobG said...

Check out this; gives a good fisking of carbon offsets.

geekwife said...

I recently read some commentary comparing carbon offsets to the church indulgences of the middle ages, and I thought that was an apt comparison. It allows the rich to continue to do exactly as they please while feeling morally "clean", and does nothing in actual reality but earn money for the seller. Also fits right into the whole sense of Global Warming being the new religion of the left.

All praise the Goracle, prophet of the new religion!