Friday, November 03, 2006

Less Republicans Than Ever

I'm registered as an independent (after being registered as a Democrat). However, I find this interesting because one of the reasons we should elect Kerry Healey is because this state is becoming a one party state. I got lectured to (in an incredibly condescending manner) at a liberal web site that 1) This isn't a one party state and that 2) Even if it is, some of the Democrats aren't completely toeing the party line. As to "1"...

"The last 10 years, it’s as if the Republican Party has been evaporating in this state," said Todd Domke, a Republican analyst who has worked with the national party. "But it’s less a matter of registration than fewer candidates, fewer officeholders, fewer leaders, and no strategy to reverse the trend. That's what’s disturbing."
Hmmm... Not a one party state... Over the same period the Democratic rolls increased 2%. So that's about 12% for Republicans and 38% for Dems.
What happened to everyone else? Well, it's possible that you could count them as a third party. It's the "a pox on both your houses party" also called the unenrolled. More people registered unenrolled than to either party this year and they account for 50% of the registered voters. A real third choice (and no, I don't mean the Communists in the Green party) could launch right here in the birth place of the revolution. That'd sure beat what we're likely to see for the next four years if Deval Patrick wins the election.
Vote for Kerry Healey.

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