Monday, October 24, 2005

Gun Grabbers Response to "Immunization Bill"

Just taking a walk around some of the Gun Grabbers and noting their responses to the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

From the Americans for Gun Safety:
Americans for Gun Safety Communications Director John Lacey issued the following statement on S. 397:

"“This legislation to bar a class of lawsuits that have generally failed, accomplishes next to nothing. These lawsuits have not succeeded and do not present a threat to the gun industry."”

Someone's missing the point. The lawsuits aren't only brought to attempt to win lawsuits, but to attempt to bankrupt the industry in the litigation.

The Brady Bunch:
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence today said that the House of Representatives' passage of a bill taking away the rights of gun victims is a step backwards for a country founded on the rule of law. The bill has already been approved by the Senate, and if signed into law by President Bush, would essentially place the entire gun industry beyond the bounds of civil liability law.

"This is a tragic capitulation to the special interest gun lobby," said Brady Campaign President Michael Barnes. "It's yet another example of how much power a small group can wield behind closed doors."
That's right, it's about corruption of those who believe in gun rights, not about the corruption of those trying to eliminate certain rights laid down in the Bill of Rights.

Then there is the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence:
This bill is based on a series of fabrications and half-truths, and its supporters have twisted the facts in an attempt to defend the indefensible -- the idea that gun sellers should be shielded from the legal consequences of their own misconduct.

The National Rifle Association and its allies have claimed that civil lawsuits are a threat to the U.S. firearms industry, yet many of the gun makers involved in irresponsible distribution practices that put firearms in the hands of criminals are foreign corporations. The supporters of this bill argue that greedy lawyers are threatening to bankrupt the gun industry, yet the most serious financial threat to a major gun maker in recent years was the gun lobby-backed boycott of Smith & Wesson in retaliation for the company's agreement to adopt responsible sales and marketing practices.

That says a lot doesn't it? Funny thing is that the law doesn't protect gun manufacturers or dealers who violate the law. As to half truths, really, must we point out those that exist herein?

It is fascinating that so many of the gun grabber sites have nothing on this at all. Is it that they don't know it happened or that they don't want the faithful to know?

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