Sunday, June 26, 2005

Batman Begins: A Review from the Peoples Republic of Cambridge

Read this review. It's frigging excellent. He doesn't like the Batman movie. Oh boy, he doesn't like the Batman movie. Funny thing is, he makes me want to see it more than ever. His problems with it? Batman is far too individualistic and not nearly collectivist enough. Um... Duh! The directors dared to suggest that it's even remotely possible that a corporation might do good instead of simply be all things evil. How dare they... actually portray reality. Reading this kind of thing made me want to see this movie more than before. Actually, every bad review of it has reinforced my interest. Go and track down the review in Salon (posted below) for how Schumacher's Batman was better.
Assuming we make the decision sometime this decade on what to do with our kids (see it, not see it) I'll write up a review when I finally get to the flick.


Nylarthotep said...

Jason Pramas is a complete and utter GIT.

He rails against the Ayn Rand/Mussolini mix and shows a marked desire for a Marx/Engles Batman. How exceptionally absurd. I especially love the tirade about batman not giving away his wealth to help AIDS patients or the poor. WTF?

I don't think this makes me want to see the movie any more or less. But it does make me realize some people really shouldn't be film critics.

Nylarthotep said...

I just read some of the comment section that I didn't see the first time around. Pretty funny. I especially like commenters telling him to get a grip.

Even the economic/ethics arguments show a better grasp of reality than the reviewer apparently holds.

The one commenter who points out that the director was heavy handed in making sure that all understood that the Wayne Foundation heavily invests in the local community to serve all is pretty interesting. Especially with the reviewer pretty much leading one to believe that it's not part of the movie at all.

Hell, the comments make me want to see the movie now more than the review.

Granted said...

Oh man, I missed the comments. Reading through them now. I followed the link to ParEcon. It's just bloody communism under another name. I've been reading the first article. I think I'm going to have to set aside some time to fisk the place. Hell, if we could find someone to pay us for it, it'd be a full time career. Check it out:

Granted said...

Oh dude, sorry I didn't see this.

Please do send all the skanky little wanker Reds over to visit. I frigging love threats. Better still, we're local, we could have the chat in person. Much more intimate that way.